Saturday, January 17, 2009

16 weeks & a Spoiler Alert!

I had the best intentions of posting between doctor visits, but, well, life got in the way. So without further ado, here is the update.

I'm apologizing in advance that there aren't any new pics in this post. Despite the fact that we saw the ultrasound tech twice (see below) the pictures we got this time just did not scan well. Hopefully next month's pics will be better.

Our 16 week visit with the perinatologist was on Thursday the 15th and everyone is looking great! I had gained weight (a significant amount of weight I might add) and I had never been so happy to see the number on the scale climb so quickly. I still have to be careful of what I eat, especially in the evenings as my stomach is still sensitive, but the nausea seems to have passed for the most part.

The babies are looking great! In fact, we actually got to peek at them twice. Apparently the ultrasound tech and the doctor had a miscommunication concerning what type of measurements she was to take. Initially, the ultrasound tech only looked at the babies' heartbeats & my cervical length. We asked if she was going to actually measure the babies & she said no, not this time. Seemed odd, but what do we know. When we saw the doctor at the end of the appointment he told us she was wrong and he actually did want her to take measurements. He told us we could stick around or come back in a few days. We decided to stay & it was a good thing we did because....we found out the genders!!!!!

So this is the spoiler alert part of the post. If you don't want to know the babies' genders (or "flavors" as our dear friend Kevin would say) stop reading now. Otherwise, here we go. (For reference purposes, I was 16 weeks 1 day at this appointment).

Baby A
With a heart rate of 161, measuring ahead of the curve at 17 weeks 0 days and weighing in at whopping 6 oz, Baby A is....

A BOY!!!

Baby B
Measuring 16 weeks 1 day, exactly on schedule, with a heart rate of 155 and weighing a more than respectable 5 oz, Baby B is....

A BOY!!!

Baby C
Baby C is following along in Brother B's footsteps and also measuring right at 16 weeks 1 day. Weighing 5 oz and with a heart rate of 164, Baby C is....


That's right, two boys and a girl! We are thrilled that they are all healthy and growing well , but I'll admit that I am quite happy that one is a girl. We both said from the beginning that healthy is obviously the most important thing, but that a mix of genders would be nice. Can any of you imagine having three 13 year old boys or three 13 year old the same time?!?! Although maybe in the end simply having three 13 year olds will drive us over the edge regardless of gender!

We weren't the only ones pulling for at least one girl. Miss Baby C will be the only granddaughter out of what will be 10 grandchildren on the Braden side (Shannon's Dad) and she will be only the second granddaughter out of what will be 8 grandchildren on the Blomgren side (Shannon's Mom). We're doing our best to bring some pink to our families.

There you go. That's the news from here. Now we're on to thinking about names. But that, is another post. :-)


Unknown said...

YAY, congratulations!!

The Gausman Six said...

Thanks, Anandi! We are very excited!

Jenn said...

yippee....I'm happy one's a girl too. Will you have to dress her in pink though?

The Gausman Six said...

Jenn - I think a little pink is probably in order - and inevitable. :)